
Entertaining Your Friends and Family

Why You Don’t Need To Feel Intimidated By Contemporary Poetry

Most people who have taken a high school English class have found themselves in a poetry unit. For some, the endless class discussions about symbolism in every line and the writing essays longer than the very poem they were writing about are enough to swear them off poetry for good. However, if you're no longer in high school English classes and the thought of reading a contemporary poem collection still makes you want to head for the hills, you may want to reconsider. Read More 

Use A PA Sound System During Your Parents Retirement Party

A public address system or PA system is an electronic system that increases the volume of an acoustic sound. A standard system that could be used for a party may include an amplifier, loudspeakers, and microphones. A PA system can be connected to a stereo or internet accessible device. If you are planning a retirement party for your parents, rent a sound system and get used to using it prior to the gathering. Read More 

3 Things To Do Before Pitching An Animated Movie Series

Animated movies and shows are popular with child, teen, and adult audiences. If you are a cartoonist and you are interested in coming out with an animated series, you know the time and effort that will need to go into the working. For those who have been developing their idea seriously for a number of years, you can begin to pitch to networks. before you start to pitch your animated series to production companies, here are some things you should do to get your ducks in a row. Read More 

Summer Wedding Venues

If you want to hold your wedding and reception in the warm summer months, you'll have plenty of both indoor and outdoor venues to choose from. Since the weather during the summer can be unpredictable, it's important to have either a back-up option or a way to protect yourself and guests from rain and storms. No matter what you wedding-planning budget is, you can find a wedding venue that fits your needs when the weather is nice. Read More 

Host A Winter-Themed Reception Inside Of A Rental Hall

If your favorite season is winter and you and your partner have decided to exchange vows next month and would like to host a winter-themed reception inside of a rental hall, use the tips below to create a distinct and alluring atmosphere for you and your guests to enjoy after the wedding ceremony. Ice Sculptures And Luge Hand-crafted ice sculptures will help set the tone as guests filter into the reception hall. Read More 

About Me

Entertaining Your Friends and Family

When was the last time you had a great time with the people closest to you? Although it might seem silly to focus heavily on entertainment, taking the time to invest in some great movies, plays, or playground equipment can really pay off--in memories. About a year ago, I started investing more time into entertaining the people closest to me, and it really paid off. I started having a lot more fun with the people that were around me, and I really loved what it did for my relationships. Check out this blog for more information on entertainment and having fun.


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